
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Software Distribution Making

An important process in software development is the making of the distribution.
Here are some good practices:

  • Make sure tarballs always unpack into a single new directory (not the current directory!).
  • Include a README with:
  1. A brief description of the project.
  2. A pointer to the project website (if it has one).
  3. Notes on the developer's build environment and potential portability problems.
  4. A roadmap describing important files and subdirectories.
  5. Either build/installation instructions or a pointer to a file containing same (usually INSTALL).
  6. Either a maintainers/credits list or a pointer to a file containing same (usually CREDITS).
  7. Either recent project news or a pointer to a file containing same (usually NEWS).
  8. Project mailing list addresses.
  • Respect and follow standard file-naming practices
  • README: The roadmap file, to be read first.
  • INSTALL: Configuration, build, and installation instructions.
  • AUTHORS: List of project contributors (GNU convention).
  • NEWS: Recent project news.
  • HISTORY: Project history.
  • CHANGES: Log of significant changes between revisions.
  • COPYING: Project license terms (GNU convention).
  • LICENSE: Project license terms.
  • FAQ: Plain-text Frequently-Asked-Questions document for the project.
  • filenames with all-caps names are human-readable metainformation about the package
  • Design for upgradability. use version-numbered directories
  • Under linux, provide RPMs
  • Provide checksums.
These tips come from Eric's Raymond excellent book "The Art of Unix Programming".
Read also my other posts on this book:
- Basics of the Unix Philosophy
- Good Development Practices for Open-Source Developers
- Design Rules for Textual Data Formats

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Friday, January 20, 2006

Best Practices for Writing Use Cases

Are your use cases clear both for your users and for your developers ? Here are some tips:
  • Be careful with UML diagrams. Only use them for a high level model to show relationships between actors and use cases. Use case descriptions are textual
  • Main scenario 3-9 steps. Bird's eye view
  • No IF-statements, but main scenario's plus extensions
  • Brainstorm on goal failures
    • evaluate, eliminate, merge
  • Manage your energy: work breadth first
    • Actors and goals
    • Use case brief, main scenario
    • Failure conditions
    • Failure handling
  • Goal based, find the right goal. 3 levels: summary, user goals, subfunctions
  • What does the primary actor really want ?
  • WHY is this actor doing this step/goal ?
  • Write short, clear, easy to read use cases
    • Use cases are communication instruments
    • Customers/Users: Is it this what you want ?
    • Developers: Can you develop this ?
    • Like "Actors verbs the system", ie. Customer debets his account
  • Use Cases describe the functional requirements of a system, other requirements are described in supplementary specifications: performance, user interface requirements, IO formats, data formats, ...
With which of these tips can you improve your use cases ? Or do you have other tips ?

To learn more about writing use cases: Writing Effective Use Cases, by Alistair Cockburn, Addison-Wesley 2001.

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